Thursday, September 20, 2007

Spiritual Experience

I don't know if there are people that read this blog that don't know me. (Probably not since I haven't blogged in quite a while.) But I am a member of the Mormon Church. I don't normally blog about spiritual experience but my good friend Brian recently posted about how he was thankful for the Holy Ghost. And it got me remembering a very special experience for me.

For those that don't know, we just had son # 2 born to us 2 weeks ago today. He is doing great! My wife had a c-section with our first and was really hoping to have a VBAC. She was doing everything that she could to 'encourage' #2 to be born naturally but nothing seemed to be working. 2 weeks ago she went into the Dr. for her weekly check up and her blood pressure was high. The Dr. was concerned because she had a history of C-section and worried for her and the baby and suggested a c-section the next day. My wife was so distraught and I was working in SLC and couldn't get away to be with her. We decided that we would pray about it and talk on my lunch break. Unfortunately, I was so concerned for her I had a hard time concentrating and even getting a clear head to pray, but I did pray to help us know. I called my wife later to talk to her. It was amazing at how Heavenly Father loves us so much that he answers prayers so quickly and clearly. The only time my wife was able to be calmed (and stop crying) was when she decided to have the C-section the next day.

Well, the next day at the hospital her blood pressure was fine again but we still felt that we should go through with the surgery. As you know, we had Sam and things went ok. But there was one point in the delivery that we got on tape that really affirmed to us that God watches over us. As they were trying to pull #2 out through the incision they had a hard time. The umbilical cord was wrapped so tightly around his throat that they couldn't even pull him out without first unwrapping it. It was so tight that they basically had to roll it over his head.

It was through that Holy Ghost that we knew what God wanted us to do to save my son's life. I have no doubt about it. Even now i feel the calming spirit as I think about it and have to thank my Father in Heaven and my Savior for loving us and protecting us from what could have been a really ugly delivery with an emergency C-section that could have possibly resulted in the death of my son.

God lives and he loves us, no doubt about it. I thank Him for now both Mom and Baby are doing fine! I am thankful for the Holy Ghost and for his part in relaying Heavenly Father's will and providing comfort to us when we desperately needed it.

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