Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Gas prices creeping back up.

I have enjoyed (weird to say that about $1.90 a gallon) the cheaper gas prices. I have been bummed that they have been creeping back up. I found an article about changing cars over to using ethanol as a gasoline substituted. The problem is in order for the country to switch would be for us (the consumers) to demand it, as we all know money talks.
I think it would be great to move to a power source that would be less harmful on the environment, be cheaper to buy, etc... I think one of the best reasons to move towards this is that it would help make our country more self reliant. We would be an independently strong nation. If anyone has any good ideas on how to make this a stronger possibility, or on how to make it known to the "powers that be" that we want this let me know and help me spread the news.

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