I have enjoyed (weird to say that about $1.90 a gallon) the cheaper gas prices. I have been bummed that they have been creeping back up. I found an article about changing cars over to using ethanol as a gasoline substituted. The problem is in order for the country to switch would be for us (the consumers) to demand it, as we all know money talks.
I think it would be great to move to a power source that would be less harmful on the environment, be cheaper to buy, etc... I think one of the best reasons to move towards this is that it would help make our country more self reliant. We would be an independently strong nation. If anyone has any good ideas on how to make this a stronger possibility, or on how to make it known to the "powers that be" that we want this let me know and help me spread the news.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Gas prices creeping back up.
Posted by
1:49 PM
Friday, January 20, 2006
There has to be a better way.
I have been a NM resident for the passed 10 years, I have relished in the fact that I am not a UT resident. As of next week my NM driver's license expires and since I don't make it to NM that often anymore and since my son is going to be born in UT it made sense to get a UT one. Well today was the long dreaded day. Went to the DMV as early as possible to avoid a long wait. We got there and there were only 4 people ahead of me so I was excited.
"In and out" we thought but no. Today of all days the computer system there had to go down and they had to do everything manually. I realized that if the DMV was a retail business and not a goverment sanctioned and even required process no one would ever shop there. It has to be the worst and most ineffective place in the world (not counting government work).
It took almost an hour to get thru 4 people, get me up there and give me the written test (yes, you have to take the written test again in UT if you are getting your license for the first time), less than ten minutes to take the test and then another 20 or so for them to grade it, take my picture and tell me they will mail me my license in 2 weeks and give me a temporary one for the mean time.
I don't get it, you think with as many people that they have to process daily they would have a much better system of getting people thru the process. Every one has DMV horror stories... why do we put up with it? Why don't we demand a better way? Probably cause it takes so long to get thru it noone wants to spend their life trying to get something changed in a government process.
On another note, why is it always old grumpy people that work there? Like how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a lollipop... no one will ever know.
Posted by
11:01 AM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
One Mizzle Stiznep Along tha Wiz-ay...
I just had this passed on to me and I've been getting a real kicker out of it. Snoop Dog has is own language and it can be rather entertaining. My friend sent me this link where it changes any website you go to into S-N-double-O-P D-doube O-G language. I just put my blog address in and got a really good kick out of reading the "Dancing Queen" post. Try it out and enjoy!
Posted by
1:52 PM
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Happy New Year!
Sitting here thinking, wondering. Where does time really go? Some days it seems to fly by and other times it drags on so slow you wonder how you're going to survive. The last couple of days I've just sat here wondering, how can it be 2006 already? I feel like I accomplished a lot in 2005 but theres always more to do.
With all that 2005 brought it makes you wonder what else is out there. What is in store for me? What opportunities will I have this year that I didn't have last year?
I know that 2006 will be a very interesting year for me because my first son will be born shortly. Its hard to believe that I will be a dad. I will be responsible for another life. I will be responsible to raise my son and teach him all that he will need to survive in the world. I'll have to teach him right from wrong. How to make good decisions, how to deal with heartache, and how to learn from mistakes...
I am really glad that I found a woman for my wife and mother of my children, that I know will be a good example for them. I am glad for parents that taught me well and have shown me a good example. I am grateful for my religion and my faith in Jesus Christ. I have so much that I have been blessed with, even to the point that I don't feel worthy of it.
I look forward to the New Year and the new challenges cause I know I want them and I will grow from them. Bring on 2006!!
Posted by
1:30 PM